Term Life


Insurance Risk Management Planning


Investment & Services

Term Life

Term insurance is the most affordable cost life insurance you can buy. It’s the most common type of insurance and can meet most insurance needs. Term insurance provides you with insurance protection for a specific period of time.

Policies are generally available for terms of 10, 20 or 30 years, but you can’t get coverage after a certain age, typically between 75 and 85

While your annual premium amount stays the same throughout the term, term insurance becomes more expensive to buy as you get older. Most term policies are renewable, which allows you to extend your coverage for a new term without a medical exam when your original term ends. The renewal premiums are provided in the insurance contract.

Features and advantages of Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance offers protection that enables you to:

  • Maintain your family’s and loved ones’ quality of life.
  • Protect your family assets.
  • Cover short and specific needs e.g. mortgage, loans…
  • Premium are guaranteed for the duration of the contract.
  • Have the option to renew and/or convert to permanent life insurance without evidence of insurability.
  • The possibility of modifying the insured amount during the contract.
  • Option of adding other insurance products or riders such as life insurance for your children or critical illness insurance.